6 Hunting Apps That’ll Improve Your Game
Smart phones help us with most of our daily tasks, so why shouldn't it help out hunters with bringing home the best game possible? Just because you’re slogging through the forest, or across an alpine meadow, with your gun in hand, doesn’t mean you have to leave technology behind. Charge up your iPhone, Android or Blackberry, and download a few hunting apps, and you can have the best of both technology and the great outdoors.
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Deer Calls & Tactics
Twelve doe and buck calls, and vocal sounds — bleats, grunts, bawls — are yours to command. With great power, though, comes great responsibility, and that is why there's an expert guide equipped to teach you how and when to use them. It’s a handy app to have along when you’re out on the hunt, in need of just the right call.
Deer-tactics.comDeer-tactics.com - 2
TimeToHunt Pro
This smart little app predicts the best time of day or night when wildlife will appear. All you have to do is plug in your location, and the application figures out the rest. It makes use of the moon phases, heat during the day, sunrise and sunset, as well as a host of other variables, which will greatly increase your chance of a successful hunt.
iappfind.comiappfind.com - 3
Duck Hunting Calls
Duck Hunting Calls has high-quality recordings of seven different types of duck calls, as well as instructions on proper duck calling technique. The app, through your phone, can be hooked up to a small, external speaker to boost the range (if legal in your neck of the woods), or you can simply use it to practice your own duck-calling skills.
Duck Hunting Calls, Market.android.comDuck Hunting Calls, Market.android.com - 4
Big Buck Hunter Pro
Not every hunt ends in success. When you run out of luck, and have to head back home empty-handed, take heart. You can still bag a virtual buck with this fun, and very popular iPhone touch-to-shoot arcade game. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to dress or dine on your kill. The virtual experience can only take you so far.
Big Buck Hunter Pro, itunes.apple.comBig Buck Hunter Pro, itunes.apple.com - 5
Legends of the Fall RangeFinder
RangerFinder is a shot drop compensator for bows and guns. This app was developed by hunters for other hunters who shoot from a variety of elevations and uneven terrain. It’s a great download that will help improve your shot accuracy, plus it comes with advice about how to sharpen your targeting technique.
RangeFinder, Market.android.comRangeFinder, Market.android.com - 6
Where's My Tree Stand?
This app works with GPS-enabled iPhones to help you keep track of your favorite hunting spots, mostly meaning tree stands. Simply open up the application at one of your preferred hunting locations, and then allow it to save the GPS data. It’s that easy to keep a running list of the best places to hunt. Just don't share the information with every Tom, Dick and Harry out in the woods.
Treestand, itunes.apple.comTreestand, itunes.apple.com
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