When the chips are down and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel, leave it to a kid make things right.

In  Tucson Arizona, Issac Saldana was upset about the recent shootings, and even though he is only nine years old, that didn't stop him from going forward with his plan. Isaac didn't tell his parents what he was up to0, he wanted carry out his mission on his own. So young Mr.Saldano gathered up some of his toys, and preceded to sell them to his classmates from school.  With cash in hand, Isaac bought a get well card and put it into an envelope, along with $2.80,  and sent it to Gabrielle Giffords hospital room. This act of kindness makes me wish we had a 24 hour a day TV channel that only reported the good deeds, the small things in life  that make you go 'Awwwwwww!' We already have several networks that report gloom and doom.  Mark Giffords thanked Isaac for his gift during a TV interview, and said he was going to send the money back. Isaac said he won't take the money back, because the Giffords need it. At nine years old,  this kid is far more responsible and sensitive to others needs than most adults. You don't have to cure cancer or stop global warming to be a hero, all you have to do is think of someone , other than yourself,  once in a while.

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