How Well Do You Know Your Pumpkins and Squash?
During a live broadcast this past weekend at Job's Nursery in Pasco, I not only picked out some beautiful pumpkins for our porch, but also a delicious Hubbard squash! I usually stick to my old standards like, Spaghetti Squash or Acorn, but I hear this Hubbard is creamy smooth and just had to try it! Look at the amazing variety of pumpkins and squash you can find at Job's Nursery!
Steve Woods/TSM
Steve Woods/TSM
Steve Woods/TSM
Steve Woods/TSM
Steve Woods/TSM
Steve Woods/TSM
Steve Woods/TSM
Steve Woods/TSM
The Long Island Cheese pumpkin sounds interesting...
Steve Woods/TSM
Steve Woods/TSM
Steve Woods/TSM
For directions to Job's Nursery in Pasco click HERE.
Steve Woods/TSM
Steve Woods/TSM
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