Good News 7 Foot Tall Giraffe Returned to His Home, Reward $$ Paid
Good news for a Kennewick family and owners of a 7 foot tall pink giraffe named Fred has made his way home. The Sylvans had offered $500 for Fred's safe return and their dream has come true.
Owner Sol Sylvan has owned the giraffe for over 25 years and has had it displayed at 3 different homes over the years. 'Fred' went missing over the 4th of July weekend when someone pried the giraffe sculpture from its re-bar stand. The Sylvan's were devastated and have offered a reward for the return of Fred to the tune of $500.
An anonymous tipster spotted Fred in the background of some pictures posted of a party at a Kennewick home. The tipster went to the home and convinced them to turn Fred over to them, which they did and Fred was promptly returned to the Sylvans who then paid the reward!
The Sylvans have decided not to display their beloved giraffe in the front yard because they cannot bear the thought of him going missing again.