Experts now say your near death experience of walking down a tunnel toward the white light, may be caused by low blood flow to the brain. Well that's just a fine how do ya do.

Some scientist say they believe one in ten people will have an out of body experience during a near death encounter. One Neurologist believes that seeing the light and lost loved ones may be caused by symptoms of REM, and low blood flow to the brain. Apparently, the experts are saying we're  having a good dream before we die, well don't that just put a stick in your spokes. If I'm at the end of my rope, I don't want to see a tunnel or float above my own body. I want to go back to 1983 at my parents house, Easter week end, and 100 crazy relatives and friends golfing in the desert and playing poker in my dads garage.( which for 3 days became the club house) I want to drink a whiskey and water with my grandmother, and play a hand of seven card stud with my Uncle Dick. In my dream, I'm hugging my sister and telling her thanks for always being there. My out of body experience includes a game of dice with my Mom, Bert, Chris and Elvis. People who have had a near death experience say it gave them a sense of peace and made them unafraid of dying. I think my out of body experience would accomplish that.

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