Double Amputee Former Marine Runs 31 Marathons in 31 Days
Rob Jones is a 32-year old former Marine from Virginia who did several tours in Iraq, then went to Afghanistan. His job was to sweep for roadside bombs. Unfortunately he got hit by one in 2010, and lost both of his legs below the knee.
But he refused to let it hold him back, and he did something that's pretty darn amazing and inspirational.
A few yeas ago, he started running MARATHONS using his prosthetics. He'd never run more than three miles at once when he signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon in 2015. Then he wanted an even bigger challenge.
So last month he ran a marathon in London. Then he flew back to the U.S. right afterward and ran a total of THIRTY-ONE MARATHONS IN 31 DAYS.
Each marathon was 26.2 miles and in a different city. He says running with prosthetics wasn't even the hardest part. Getting to each city was. His wife drove their RV while he slept. After London, they went to Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco and 25 other cities.
His final marathon was in D.C. on Nov. 11, appropriately enough, Veterans Day.
He says he did it to challenge the idea that soldiers always come back damaged, He says that DOES happen a lot, and we should keep talking about it. But he wanted to show people how a traumatic experience can also make you even stronger.
Semper Fi!