49 Year Old Accused of Burning Columbia Park Buildings
No, it wasn't sleeping. My wife works an early shift in customer service Sunday through Thursday. So I was having coffee with her and getting ready to start my day. Now, if I were a hooligan up to some shenanigans early morning Sunday, I might have been out carousing, drinking, and generally just causing trouble. And while I'm not too old to enjoy shenanigans, I am too old to officially be a hooligan. I believe. And so is the 49-year-old who is accused of burning buildings at Columbia park early morning on Sunday. At 49 years old, you don't have anything better to do? The obvious would be sleeping unless of course you've been out drinking and doing drugs all night. But at what point in your life do you just go, ah heck with it, I don't care if I am a grown-up, I'm gonna go set some buildings on fire like a child that doesn't know any better. I just can't imagine the mindset or any possible reason for wanting to do this, but police think they have tracked down their man.
Update to Case*
Officers continued investigating this incident and located the suspect, 49 year old Brandon Patrick who...Posted by Kennewick Police Department on Sunday, March 21, 2021
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