Why Hybrid Car Owners Need to be More Cautious of Theft
Due to the rising price of metals, we've been hearing a lot about the theft of catalytic converters lately.
A friend of mine had her catalytic converter stolen in the middle of broad daylight on a Saturday afternoon. Michelle was dining at a restaurant in a big city at a busy strip mall! Michelle drives a Toyota Prius which is one of the most targeted models catalytic thieves are looking to hit. The Police told Michelle that it probably took the thieves less than two minutes to cut it out of her car. She now has a $3,300 repair bill. Grateful, her insurance company is covering everything except for a deductible.
Which vehicles are most alluring to catalytic converter thieves?
According to a report, hybrids are most attractive to thieves because of their expensive metals. Pickup trucks and full-size SUVs are also popular targets because the thief can slide easily under those types of vehicles.
What can YOU do to protect your catalytic converter?
There are actually anti-theft devices companies are making to prevent a thief from stealing these precious car parts. A Cat Shield is a strong-build aluminum plate that some car dealerships already provide. They're available for all different makes and models. Cat Shields or CatClamps are the way to go, basically a lock on your catalytic converter. Michelle is investing in one for peace of mind. You can get a clamp for about $250.
Just today (Tuesday 08/31) the Kennewick Police Department posted about catalytic converter theft.
Read more about which cities have the most car thefts here.