Tri-Cities Prowlers Love That You Leave Your Gun in Your Car
Kennewick Police reported on their Facebook page that 33 guns have been stolen from vehicles so far in 2021...and that's just Kennewick. Let's assume that number is about the same for Pasco, Richland, and West Richland...that's a lot of guns in the wrong hands.
I have a license to carry and always have a gun in my car. But I'm guilty of making this very mistake, too. It's so easy just to lock your car and leave it there. Yes, most prowlers prefer unlocked cars, but forceable entry is happening more and more.
My wife, who also has a carry permit, doesn't like to carry a gun in her purse, so she puts it in the middle console. Does she accidentally leave it there sometimes? You betcha. But I'm making sure there are no guns left overnight in our cars before I go to bed from now on.
Even a very small gun like the Ruger LCP (.380 cal) can be too heavy for a lady's small purse. One option that's even smaller is like an old-time Derringer, called a mini-revolver. It's made by North American Arms and holds 5 rounds of .22 magnum or the less powerful with less recoil, 22LR.
Mini revolver and Ruger LCP shown below. (I figure if she keeps it in her purse, it will make it back in the house and not stay in the car overnight!)
I thought of several Alec Baldwin references as I created this article, and didn't use one of 'em. Kinda proud of myself on that one, because it was hard. Hey, I'm a Chappelle fan and it's just jokes. In the meantime, be firearm safe, always treat a gun as if it was loaded, and lock your car.