Toppenish Shooter Tells Deputies She Did it in Self-Defense
According to new information released by the Yakima County Sheriff's Office, a woman claims her shooting another was in self-defense.
Woman fatally shot near Toppenish Thursday
It was first reported around 4:30 PM in the 1600 block area of Chambers Road, southeast of Toppenish and just west of Grainger.
New information released by YCSO Public Information Officer Casey Schilperoot indicates the argument began between two women, the victim, and the shooter. At one point a baseball bat was brought into the fight and then a firearm.
The firearm was "discharged" according to Schilperoot, and the woman with the gun called 9-1-1 and stayed at the location until authorities arrived.
She told them she was defending herself. She was not arrested at that time, the case has been slated for review once Deputies finish their investigation. An autopsy was done on the victim, identified as 44-year-old Eleanor Roberta Williams of Harrah, WA, who is an enrolled member of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation.
The Warm Springs Reservation is located in North Central Oregon.
More information is expected to be released soon,.
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