
This Tri Citian Could Possibly be the Worst Soldier Ever
This Tri Citian Could Possibly be the Worst Soldier Ever
This Tri Citian Could Possibly be the Worst Soldier Ever
Listen up kids, This is how you DON'T join the service! Thank goodness he didn't quite make it. According to Pasco PD Facebook page Kerry E. Brooks 3/3/1993 of Benton City had recently been staying at the Mission in Downtown Pasco. Some time Friday he managed to get into the compound of the National Guard Armory where he found a Military Humvee he was able to get into Brooks was able to get it sta
Kennewick Boneheads Steal From Walmart
Kennewick Boneheads Steal From Walmart
Kennewick Boneheads Steal From Walmart
According to Kennewick police departments facebook page: I swear some people wake up and say "Gee how can I screw my life up some more" Don't these people realize cameras are everywhere!!   Shoplifting Suspects: The male and female in this photo are suspected of trying to steal over $800 of merchandise from the Kennewick Walmart. The...
Kennewick Thief vs. Tree…Tree Wins!!!
Kennewick Thief vs. Tree…Tree Wins!!!
Kennewick Thief vs. Tree…Tree Wins!!!
Now, if I were a car thief...I'd probably drive slow , blend in with the traffic, be cautious... Careful not to draw attention!.. probably why I would make a horrible thief! Here is another example of stupid people doing stupid things. Last night officers responded to a collision (vehicle vs a tree) at the 27th Avenue and Quillan Street McDonalds...