
Health Officials Continue To Watch Bird Flu
Health Officials Continue To Watch Bird Flu
Health Officials Continue To Watch Bird Flu
With cases of bird flu in cattle reported across the western U.S., as well as cases in pigs and humans here in the Northwest, health officials are watching the H5N1 strain very closely.  But, why is this strain so devastating for domestic birds?   ...
Bass: Things Look Good For The NW Cattle Industry
Bass: Things Look Good For The NW Cattle Industry
Bass: Things Look Good For The NW Cattle Industry
With so many commodities struggling right now, it’s nice to hear about sectors of the farming industry that are doing well.  University of Idaho Associate Professor of Meat Science Phill Bass said beef demand is very strong domestically and internationally, which means many producers are making money.  However, whil...
PNW Livestock Organizations Unite To Protest Grizzly Bear Plan
PNW Livestock Organizations Unite To Protest Grizzly Bear Plan
PNW Livestock Organizations Unite To Protest Grizzly Bear Plan
This week, livestock organizations in the northwest United States joined together to send a formal letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, asking the federal organization to not proceed with a plan to introduce an experimental population of grizzly bears to the North Cascade ecosystem.
Muzzall: Capital Gains Tax Likely To Hit Ag
Muzzall: Capital Gains Tax Likely To Hit Ag
Muzzall: Capital Gains Tax Likely To Hit Ag
As the debate over a capital gains tax in Washington continues, it’s looking more and more likely that the farming community will be subject to those taxes, despite earlier assurances that they wouldn’t be.  At issue is the constitutionality of the capital gains tax passed by lawmakers in April 2021, that looks to issue a 7% tax on all transactions of $250,000 or great.  The issue is curren... Rea
ODFW OKs Lethal Removal Of NE Oregon Wolves
ODFW OKs Lethal Removal Of NE Oregon Wolves
ODFW OKs Lethal Removal Of NE Oregon Wolves
With non-lethal measures failing to stop depredations, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has authorized lethal removal of up to two wolves in the High Valley area in eastern Union County, an area previously used by the Catherine Pack...