I can't complain but there is one aspect of my life that my mother would complain about, loudly. Gardening, I do not like, nor have I ever liked to garden.
Apparently this is a real thing! Hey, if you want to grab that pruner and go to town on your shrubbery naked, go right ahead! The 13th-annual event promoting loving the planet and healthy gardening is Saturday, May 6,2017
The event is dedicated to making “non-sexual social nudity” more acceptable...
Have you ever heard of using hay bales to grow flowers and vegetables instead of garden beds?
Apparently you just sprinkle a little dirt on top and the plants sink their roots down into the hay bale. It’s easier to manage and requires less water...
I maintain the potted plants at the radio station and I've discovered a trick for keeping the soil moist longer. This is a BIG help when you live somewhere as hot as here, and when you're going through a drought.
I've been a crazy person lately for gardening and composting etc. And today I was out of the studio for a few minutes, when I came back in I found a present! Check out the Video!
These are the clips that keep it together:
I've never been to one of these plant sales. I wonder if the prices are better than at Garden Centers. I'm guessing they might be!
Check it out!
The Finley FFA Chapter of River View High School will hold its 23rd Annual Plant Sale on April 18 and 19 at the high school's greenhouses...