
WDFW: Dominion Wolf Killed
WDFW: Dominion Wolf Killed
WDFW: Dominion Wolf Killed
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife announced this week that a male wolf from the Dominion pack in Steven County was recently killed.  On July 31st, WDFW Director Kelly Susewind approved the lethal removal of one wolf from the pack following a string of depredations of cattle dating back to mid-June.  Susewind note...
ODFW OKs Lethal Removal Of NE Oregon Wolves
ODFW OKs Lethal Removal Of NE Oregon Wolves
ODFW OKs Lethal Removal Of NE Oregon Wolves
With non-lethal measures failing to stop depredations, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has authorized lethal removal of up to two wolves in the High Valley area in eastern Union County, an area previously used by the Catherine Pack...