
Fred Meyer Arsonist Will Spend Over 4 Years in Jail
Fred Meyer Arsonist Will Spend Over 4 Years in Jail
Fred Meyer Arsonist Will Spend Over 4 Years in Jail
Remember that guy who set fire to an aisle in the Richland Fred Meyer back in January? Well, he's going to spend nearly 4 1/2 years in prison for his act, he set the blaze to cover up and distract from him stealing a Playstation gaming system...
Arsonist at It Again in Pasco
Arsonist at It Again in Pasco
Arsonist at It Again in Pasco
Pasco residents have had a few dumpster and alley fires recently. This one Sunday night in the alley behind Mexico Lindo restaurant,(Court street and 18th.) Pasco police ask the public to call 911 immediately about fires like this or if you notice something suspicious...