Should WA Parents Be Allowed to Teach Their Kids Driver’s Ed?
When I was a kid growing up in Montana, I was writing my Honda 3 Wheeler ATC 90 up-and-down the dirt roads and backroads all the time.
We lived out in the country and all the kids had a minibike, little dirt bike, or 3-wheeler. Before I was a licenced driver, my parents would let me drive a mile down the dirt road from our house to the mailbox to get the Sunday morning paper. I looked forward to it so much, especially in the winter. We had an old Jeep Cherokee and I would put that thing in 4 wheel drive and bust through 2 1/2 feet of freshly fallen snow with no trouble! When it came time to get my driver's licence, it was offered through my school at no charge. I couldn't wait to start driving on my own! I was 15 1/2 years old and got my licence that required a licensed adult in the passenger seat until I was 16. Since then, I've never been in an accident where I was at fault. Did driving those motorcycles and 3-wheelers in my younger years help me to be a good driver?
There's a bill up currently in the Iowa legislature that would make it legal for parents to teach their children how to drive without having to take them to driving school. These days it's a lot more expensive, as one parent says it cost $800 to put his 2 daughters through driving school, according to reports. Some parents say that their driving skills are not the best and would rather have their kids be taught with professional instruction. Other parents say oh heck yeah I could teach them how to drive no problem. Check out the Facebook post below and look at all the varying comments. What say you? Should Washington State allow parents to teach their children how to during and skip driver's ed?
SOUND OFF 🔉 A bill in the Iowa Legislature would make it legal for parents to teach their children how to drive without having to take them to driving school. Do you like this idea?
Posted by KCCI on Thursday, April 22, 2021
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