Stay Clear Of Highbinder’s, And Let’s Share An Alewife Sandwich For Lunch
Every month when Readers Digest come out, I go strait to the Word Power section. I see how many of the words I know, or realistically, how many I don't.
In the May issue of Readers Digest, I found some words that were pretty cool. Did you know a highbinder is a corrupt politician, not a tall clamp. Spoony is being silly or unduly sentimental, not what your wife wants you to do when you go to bed. If we were to share an alewife sandwich, I hope you like fish because this is a herring, common to the Atlantic Coast. Here is your challenge, if you choose to accept it. Use these words in a sentence. Holy Joe, Calli thump, and Blathers kite, which I am by the way. Please leave me a comment, I would like to read your answers on the air, thanks.