Just after the beginning of Veterans Day Monday, gunfire erupted on the streets of Richland. Two dudes were brawling outside in the 1200 block of Winslow Ave. for whatever reason, and the reader can only surmise given the narrative, one was giving the other a pretty good beat down before the guy getting his clock cleaned, pulled a gun and started firing. The guy administering the whooping was hit multiple times. No one died. Both are in the hospital.

On 11/11/2019 at approximately 12:10 am, RPD Officers responded to a call of a shooting in the 1200 block of Winslow. The preliminary investigation has revealed there was an altercation involving two adult males in the street.

During the altercation, shots were fired by one of the parties. Both men involved in the disturbance sustained significant injuries resulting in them being treated at local hospitals. One of the males was shot multiple times and is expected to survive, the other sustained serious but non life threatening injuries.

The investigation is ongoing and all involved parties have been contacted by the police. There are no outstanding persons at this time or any further danger to the public. If you have information regarding this incident please contact (509) 628-0333 if you have not already been contacted by officers.

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