Benton County Mosquito district found a pool of mosquitoes in West Richland that tested positive for the deadly West Nile Virus and they are warning the entire community to protect yourself...

Steve Frost
Steve Frost

In a interview with KEPR News Angela Beehler, district manager of Benton County Mosquito Control says "

West Nile virus is now active in the area for this season so mosquitoes are going to transmit that to the birds and birds are going to carry it from place to place.

A vaccine is available for horses, but there is no vaccine available for humans.

We just want to make sure that people are aware that it's here. Take precautions. Wear mosquito repellent, long sleeves, long pants, when possible loose-fitting clothing and empty the standing water around their property all those things are really important


Mosquito protection fun facts...

Relatively calm water that stays around for at least 4 days is an absolute necessity for the mosquito lifecycle.The good news is that anything that you can do to interrupt this process can stop mosquitoes in their tracks.

Most species of mosquitoes have heightened levels of activity around dusk and dawn. So, if possible, try avoiding areas with mosquitoes during these times. Since avoidance is not always possible; take some of the steps outlined to help minimize your exposure to mosquitoes and risk of mosquito borne illness.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends products containing active ingredients, which have been registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use as insect repellents on skin or clothing.
In addition to EPA's decisions about use of repellent products on children, many consumers also look to the opinion of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The AAP does have an opinion on the use of DEET in children, but has not yet issued specific recommendations or opinions concerning the use of picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.


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