Party Aug. 3 at Drinks4Drinks to Buy Water Filters in Cambodia
There are 14.8 million people in Cambodia and 36 percent of them lack clean water. Almost 70 percent live in poor sanitation. Biosand filters can bring more water to the people there. EastLake Tri-Cities church is sponsoring an event on Aug. 3 to raise money to build the filters there. The party is called "Drinks4Drinks" because 100 percent of ticket proceeds will go toward filters and training Cambodians in health facts, good hygiene, sanitation and maintaining the filters.
Participating is easy and will be a ton of fun.
$20 gets you in the door, a drink ticket, a hot dog and a concert from local band Colorblind.
This is an adult activity at Southridge Sports Complex in Kennewick. Everyone must be over 21.
To learn more, visit or email organizers directly at To learn more about biosand filters visit