Midnight Munchies Run Goes All Wrong in Kennewick Last Night
Here's something you don't see every day a large motor home enters the Taco Bell drive-thru the wrong way and you guessed it, gets stuck...the need for tacos is strong with this one...
A midnight munchie run went all wrong in Kennewick last night as a 56-year-old woman entered the Taco Bell drive-thru going the wrong way in a LARGE RV. Here's what Kennewick Police say happened:
Shortly after midnight, officers responded to a call of an RV stuck in the drive-thru of Taco Bell on Plaza Way. The RV had been driven into the drive-thru the wrong way to begin with. The driver, Anastacia M Etzwiler, age 56, was suspected of driving under the influence. She was arrested and booked into jail.
Check out the photo's...can't wait to read your comments....
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