Student Found Dead in Pullman Dorm, Chancellor Issues Statement
A WSU student was found dead in his dorm room on Sunday.
The deceased was identified as 19-year-old Luke Morgan Tyler. Police say that foul play is not suspected. WSU Police and the Whitman County Coroner are continuing to investigate.

A GoFundMe page was set up by organizer Yousuf Elswify to assist with the cost of Luke Tyler's funeral. You can make a donation here.
WSU Pullman Chancellor Chilton issued the following statement:
Dear Cougs,
I continue to be heartbroken over the student death that occurred in a residence hall on our campus over the weekend. The loss of a member of our Cougar family creates a tremendous loss for all of us, and I want to extend my deepest condolences to the student’s family, friends, classmates, and fellow Cougs.
In the tragic case of any student death, WSU has a strict protocol to follow with procedures that were put in place out of respect for both the families and the investigative process. Arguably the most important element of this protocol is the direct outreach from our Dean of Students Office to the family and friends of the decedent. I’m very thankful for the incredible work and ongoing support services provided by our Dean of Students in this case, and overall.
WSU Pullman will not release any information about the individual until details have been coordinated with the family and the Whitman County Coroner’s Office. We will always maintain a high level of respect for both the families and investigative process, and will not disclose any information that could inadvertently disrupt this process.
I understand that during trying times a lack of information often leads to confusion and questions. I urge everyone to avoid speculation about this incident so that the investigation may proceed unimpeded. We anticipate that the coroner’s office will release more information, including the cause and manner of death, in the coming weeks.
As we all process this tragic incident, I want to remind everyone that we are here for you, and that support services are available. Please visit our Crisis Support Resources page to learn more.
Elizabeth S. Chilton
WSU Pullman Chancellor
Provost and Executive Vice President