I've received a couple of Christmas cards in the mail this year. So, I had to locate the stash of holiday cards I've had packed away. For years.

Who sends Christmas cards in the mail anymore?

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The answer for me, is, true friends. Friends I grew up with. Friends that I have true memories with and have kept in touch with on social media all this time.

I received a message on Facebook and Snapchat from my life-long friend Lisa, asking me for my address. She asks every year. Although this year she just said "Need your address."

It hasn't changed. I gave it to her. Again. And, like clockwork, days later, I received her Christmas card.

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And, like clockwork, my husband Jeff hunted down the Christmas cards we've been carrying around since the early 2000's. I pulled one out and signed our names and mailed a card to Lisa. I hope it wasn't the same as last year.

In this day of ever-changing media, I wonder.

How many folks are sending Christmas cards in the mail?

I feel it's a lost medium. I mailed a card to my mother. A cousin in Bellevue reached out for my address as well. I can't wait to read about the family. I love it.

Does anyone else still get family updates this way?

I feel sad, kind of. My cousin is right down the road in Bellevue.  We should get together more often. I don't need to read about family. They're literally in my back yard.

My New Year 2022 resolution is made. More time with family.

LOOK: See what Christmas was like the year you were born

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