We've all seen it. Clumps of cotton-like material in someone's front bushes looking like the Cottonelle man had an accident. Not at all like the spider web it was supposed to be. While I'm no expert at this, my wife is and it really only takes a few minutes! Here's the trick:

Stretch, pull, attach. Stretch out clumps, pull, attach. And by attach, I mean wrap around or circle something. It won't break! I think that's what I was most afraid of. The photo above is our entry and she did it in about 10 mins.

Here's a pic of about how I do it...LOL kidding....but it's not that hard when I watched her magic!

Steve Woods/TSM
Steve Woods/TSM

Start stretching and pulling that clump and it will amaze you! Don't leave clumps because spiders don't!

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