Group of Hikers Rescue Injured Hiker at Colchuck Lake Near Leavenworth
A group of hikers rescued a hiker with an injured ankle at Colchuck Lake near Leavenworth Friday.
On Thursday around 7 p.m., emergency dispatch received a call from a parent whose son came across a 28-year-old injured man from Michigan, who fell while hiking Aasgard Pass.
Chelan County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Services Sergeant Jason Reinfeld says the hiker was unable to get back to Leavenworth by himself, but was in good enough condition to spend the night on the trail.

The group stayed with the hiker through the night, with assistance from U.S. Forest Service personnel.
On the following Friday morning, they were able to help transport the hiker to a landing pad that Chelan County Sheriff’s Office’s helicopter could access.
At 1:20 p.m., the hiker was airlifted to Leavenworth Fish Hatchery and was taken to Cascade Medical Center in Leavenworth.
Reinfeld said weather conditions around the lake are still below average temperatures, with Colchuck Lake still being frozen.
“It's not summertime conditions there yet and it's pretty hazardous if you want to hike up through there.”
Outdoor recreationalists are advised to properly prepare for wintry conditions while hiking, or to wait until conditions are less hazardous.