First Time Buyers Surge Gun Sales in Washington
I have several friends that have recently purchased firearms because of what the new administration is planning regarding gun laws. But I was surprised to learn that Washington State is 17th in the country for most gun sold last month according to reports. Even more surprising is that many of the gun buyers are first-timers and they are women. Yes, I am surprised by that but happy to hear! I made sure my wife got her concealed carry license and she feels better knowing she can protect herself if needed. I grew up in Montana shooting rifles, but have really grown to love pistols of all kinds. Especially the .22 caliber. When you can find ammo, they're cheap and fun to shoot. There have been a million arguments online about whether a .22 is suitable for self-protection, but I won't get into that now. All I know is I wouldn't like to get shot by one! Many people say you shouldn't carry anything less than a 9mm handgun. I'm personally a huge fan of the .380 caliber. It's basically a short 9 mm round. One very popular choice for .380 is the Ruger LCP or Light Compact Pistol. The LCP II is the newer version of that gun and comes in .22 or .380. It's very small and easily concealable. And the .22 version is perfect for those that can't handle or don't want too much recoil. If you want to go super small for easy carry, there's the mini revolver manufactured by North American Arms. You can get this little doozy in a .22 or .22 magnum. Any of the gun professionals at Ranch & Home, Griggs Ace Hardware, and Sportsmans Warehouse can easily guide you into your perfect first gun! Pictured above is the Ruger LCR or Light Compact Revolver, chambered in .22, and below is the North American Arms WASP, in .22 magnum.
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