Hilarious Movie Filmed in Prosser Has a Perfect Score on Rotten Tomatoes
Have You Seen This Movie Filmed In The Yakima Valley?
If you get a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, you must be doing something right. A movie that was filmed in the Yakima Valley has scored coveted perfect reviews across the board and among critics.
Cement Suitcase is streaming worldwide on Amazon Prime and with a 100% rating, it's worth the view, especially looking for all those Yakima Valley and Prosser locations.
You'll even see some extras in the movie like Stacy Lee from KNDU-TV in quick appearances throughout the movie.
Cement Staircase was filmed in 2013 and features a story about Franklin, a successful wine salesman, who hates his life and knows that his girlfriend has been cheating on him. When he meets the other man -- who turns out to be a terrific person -- Franklin decides it is time to let go of baggage.
The Cement Staircase Scored A Perfect 100% On Rotten Tomatoes
The writer and director of the movie, J. Rick Castaneda was born and raised in the Yakima Valley and after living and working in Los Angeles for 10 years came back to produce the movie in the Yakima Valley because no one else had used the Prosser area as a backdrop for a movie.
The trailer is hilarious and you can watch it above.
Cement Suitcase is featured on Amazon Prime and VUDU streaming and if you are late-night streaming, why not enjoy a movie that was filmed right here in the Yakima Valley?
You can learn more about Cement Staircase on the IMDB page here.