The new zodiacal year begins when the sun enters Aries on March 21. For the first 30 days of spring, Aries is symbolized by the ram. The ram has come to represent male fertility, aggression, and courage. A ram's horn is part of a cornucopia, the "horn of plenty", symbolizing abundance. In history, rams were often symbols of leadership. Aries natives are said to be leaders and pioneers.



About the Aries: Aries is the sign of self. Self-sufficient, self-indulgent and sometimes self-centered, they love the day dedicated to their existence. Your magnetic personality attracts many friends. But an ordinary party is too boring for impatient Aries; plan to do something physically challenging, Rams butt heads with their enemies, and thought to approach life "head-on". Enthusiastic and impulsive, rams often rush into new undertakings, only to leave them incomplete when something more exciting grabs their attention. Boredom is your enemy, lack of patience is your downfall. While you're willing to follow your dreams and can accomplish almost anything, you need to work on actually seeing them through.

Your style: As the zodiac's trailblazers, rams are on the forefront of fashion. While you keep an eye on the runway, you've got a look that's original, with only a flare you can provide. You're audacious and unafraid to wear feathers, sequins, metallic’s and bold patterns.

Love Match: Lively and adventurous, Aries seeks a partner who can keep up, but who can also stand by her side when the time comes. You're extremely compatible with spontaneous Sagittarius, who will support you to no end. The zodiacal match ensures a high-spirited romance filled with laughter and excitement. Fun-loving and forward-thinking Aquarius is also an ideal mate. Arians are frank, direct and candid, and make enthusiastic and generous friends. You are liable to have a high sex drive and make passionate lovers…Goooooo Team! The last thing an Aries woman needs is a man to rescue her. Independent and self-reliant, she considers her partner an equal. She doesn't do well with a domineering other half. Possessive Taurus will never understand your individuality—interpreting it as rejection—and you'll quickly tire of Cancer's emotional neediness.

Your mood: Easily offended, those who fall under Aries are hot-blooded individuals and can become aggressive if they feel they've been confronted. They are "the babies" of the zodiac family, and can be quite childish when they don't get their way—which, thankfully, is rare. Keep your inner spoiled brat in check, and make an effort to pay attention to the feelings of others, especially those close to you.


There is, however, a negative side to your associations with other people. You can easily be irritated by slowness or moderation in your companions and, though yourselves sensitive, ride roughshod over the sensitivities of others. The intensity of your sexual urges can drive you to promiscuity and a Don Juan-like counting of conquests of the opposite sex. It can also trick you into early unwise marriage which may end disastrously. Arians are highly devoted to their children, even to the point of laying down their own lives, so that they might live. You will not find a more defensive and loving parent in all the zodiac

Some Famous Aries: Alec Baldwin, Mariah Carey (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), Jackie Chan, Russell Crowe (Sun and Mars in Aries), Shannen Doherty, Robert Downey Jr. (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), Stacy Ferguson "Fergie", Sarah Michelle Gellar (Sun and Venus in Aries), Ashley Judd (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), Lucy Lawless (Sun and Moon in Aries), John Madden (Sun and Mercury in Aries), Conan O'Brien, Sarah Jessica Parker (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), William Shatner (Sun and Mercury in Aries), Gloria Steinem (Sun and Mars in Aries), Vincent Van Gogh (Sun and Mercury in Aries), Christopher Walken (Sun and Mercury in Aries)



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