A survey asked people around the world what America does best. The answers will make you laugh, smile and feel patriotic! God Bless America!

  • using corn like nature's LEGOs
  • spicy chicken wings -- "I have lived in 5 other countries on 3 continents and I am yet to find chicken wings that even come close."
  • Cars with 650 horsepower for under $60,000.
  • Junk food -- "Here in The Netherlands our junk food is decades behind... the variety you have is so vast I think anyone in the world would find something they like...  Bless Americans for Reese's Pieces, Warheads, Airheads, Hot Cheetos, Fruit Rollups, Nerd and Hot Cheetos again."
  • Las Vegas -- "Canadian here... I had an amazing time."
  • Jazz & The Blues
  • "Pride and willingness (if not insistence) to share parts of our culture that we love."
  • The cereal aisle -- "I was in Walmart with a bunch of foreigners and they were taking pictures of the cereal aisle to show everyone back home."
  • Our ability to land on objects in space without crashing or break down.
  • People are EXPECTED to smile!
  • Muscle Cars
  • cartoon comedies for adults (Futurama, South Park, Family Guy, American Dad, King of the Hill, The Simpsons, Archer)
  • Military. If aliens invaded America would save the world.
  • "I'm an engineering student studying in the U.S. and... the sheer level of diversity is insane! ... The fact that all of them live together in peace and harmony, and in a society where everyone is treated equally and is judged on their merit is truly phenomenal. Long live America!"
  • Baseball
  • Saying hello -- "We do it more often, more creatively and with more enthusiasm than anywhere else in the world."
  • Accepting people of other cultures and races -- "The media here act like we don't, but there's not a lot of countries where you can be black, Asian, Hispanic or some other minority and not be ostracized... In America, if you're an American citizen, you're American."
  • BBQ (a lot of countries do a fantastic job but what about a fat burger and a rack of ribs?)
  • Elite universities
  • Best movies and TV

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