Hermiston Recycle Event -
Free to all residents of Umatilla County
April 14 from 9am-3pm - UEC Parking Lot
We are accepting only the following:
(Must reside in Umatilla County)
All broken-down cardboard.
Furniture, mattresses
All mixed paper.
KDRV-TV in Medford is reporting a woman is facing theft charges over multiple cases of water. But it's what she DID with the cases that's raising eyebrows.
Whether it's Sunnyside, Spokane or Portland, recycling experts from all around have had it up to here (picture a hand at my neck) with people who are inconsiderate recyclers! Each item in the blue bin must be hand-sorted. Here's why they're mad:
As I was trolling through Facebook I stumbled across a company that recycles everything metal....they will pick up those pesky broken appliances! they get a big "ATTA BOY"
According to a new division of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this is an "opportunity" to make good use of something we have LOTS of - tumbleweeds!