On a podcast called 'The Sasquatch Chronicles', a Ludington, Michigan area bow hunter shared a story about coming across something a little strange in the woods.
Legend says the waheela is a wolf-like beast that is the size of a full-grown bear, an evil spirit that can manifest itself anytime and anywhere it wants.
Somewhere in Marquette County, Michigan, there is the Forensic Research Outdoor Station, a part of Northern Michigan University studying how bodies decompose in extreme cold.
Here are a couple of stories that should make you feel better about yourself. Remember, if you giggle at some one who has stumbled and fell, cover your mouth and never point. Enjoy.
Happy humpday everyone. Almost to the weekend, and another two days of time for us. Remember, when you see or hear of a good Gump File story, please e-mail me at chuckhall@townsquaremedia.com. Enjoy.