Why Do Cops Sometimes Zig-Zag While Driving on the Highway?
Ever wonder why cops sometimes zig-zag when they are driving on the highway?
Typically, the police are normal, law-abiding individuals who follow the same traffic laws as everyone else on the road. Though their cars and other vehicles might look a bit different depending on if they are undercover or not.
Usually, their cars have the name of the area in which they are sworn to protect. However, there are times when cops and their cars act a bit different, and that is when they zig-zag on the freeway.
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You might think that it is because they don't want to wait in traffic, or that they can do it just because they can.
Find out more why cops sometimes zig-zag on the highway.
To Prevent Collisions With a Road Hazard
According to Brian Boyer, who is an injury lawyer, one of the most common reasons why cops zig-zag on the highway is to prevent the other motorists on the road from colliding with an obstruction or some other hazard in the road. By zigzagging, they are able to slow down and manage the flow of traffic more effectively and reduces the risk of accidents.
Assisting Workers
Another reason that cops may zig-zag is that they are assisting other groups of workers. When a construction worker or tow worker may be working on the side of the road, a cop may zig-zag in order to clear traffic from around the worker, allowing for a safer workspace for them, per Brian Boyer.
Improving the Flow of Traffic
One of the other major reasons that cops may choose to zig-zag is to create a better flow of traffic in areas that are congested on the road. By zigzagging, they can clear space and allow some motorists to merge and move better.
Helping Emergency Responders
Cops may be looking out for their fellow first responders when they zig-zag. Not only does this technique clear traffic for the other responders to get through, but it can be critical in allowing those vehicles to get through in a life-saving situation.
Special Event and Escort
There are certain events that may cause a cop to zig-zag on the road. Again, this may be to facilitate traffic flow, however, this can be done for special guests that need an escort to get somewhere with no traffic disruptions.
For Training
Police often use special training exercises to prepare them for various kinds of situations. So, them zigzagging may be part of a drill or practice for those kinds of situations.
How to Handle a Zig-Zagging Cop
According to Driver Care, the best ways to handle a situation when you see a zigzagging cop are to activate your emergency blinkers, decrease your speed slowly, do not try to speed past the cop and do no accelerate.
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