With Thanksgiving coming up, what do you do for Thanksgiving? Maybe you have a traditional meal with your family or perhaps you spend it doing something else? Here are some Thanksgiving traditions that maybe you take part of or, perhaps, you're looking to start a new tradition.

Play Flag Football

To many, Thanksgiving not only means 'butterball' but also football. Not just on TV which is a tradition but also to actually enjoy the crisp late autumn air and play some friendly football with family and perhaps some friends.

And, when you come back in, battered and bruised and covered in grass stains you can wash up and help in the kitchen.

Or do what you always do and not wash-up at all and plunker down on the couch and watch someone else play football.

Turkey Trot

attachment-attachment-Turkey trot

Other towns have it called by different names but many towns feature a fun 5k walk/run for Thanksgiving. Definitely something to build your appetite. Our Yakima Greenway hosts one every year.




Take a nap.



Maybe watch the parade.

Yana Paskova, Getty Images

At least have it on in the background.

The Natives in Seattle who are Taking Back Thanksgiving

Unplash, Andreas Wagner
Unsplash, Andreas Wagner

There was a story two years ago about how, in Seattle, Natives get together, eat traditional Native food and discuss the truth about Thanksgiving. Spoiler alert: it's not about pilgrims and sharing a meal and what we were taught in school. This could be a great idea and a great time for someone to do this in the Yakima area, too.

IN PHOTOS: 100 Years of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Stacker curated a selection of photographs from the past century of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to help illustrate the history of the iconic event.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

LOOK: Here Are the 25 Best Thanksgiving movies of all time

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