WA State DOH ‘Relaxes’ More COVID Rules in Schools
According to information released by the Washington State Department of Health, more COVID-era restrictions and rules will be eased, likely next week.
State of Emergency due to end Oct. 31
The information, presented here via the Walla Walla School District, indicates some significant changes coming in schools. According to the WWSD:
"The 5-day isolation of COVID positive individuals is no longer required. If students are symptomatic at school, health services staff will contact parents to pick them up and inform them that their child can return upon symptom improvement. This approach is the same for staff. If staff members are sick they should stay home, and return to work once their symptoms improve."
There are other changes that will happen in-District, including lifting the vaccination requirement for staff as of October 31st (Monday), and the District will continue to offer free COVID tests for students and staff as well as free home COVID test kits.

These changes are happening in school districts as the COVID state of emergency is expected to be lifted Monday, October 31st.
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