My sons usually do pretty good at gifts but last year I only asked for one thing and they didn't get it for me: a baby dragon. And I told them, if they couldn't get one, I'd settle for Khaleesi. But they couldn't find her. So this year I'm giving them a chance to redeem themselves: I want baby owls.
Watch the videos to see why and you'll want one too.

But seriously owls are awesome. I once got a short-term job on a horse ranch. I asked what kinds of boots I needed to wear to be safe from snakes. They said they didn't have any. I called them liars. Snakes are everywhere. Then he pointed up. Living in the barn rafters were several large, beautiful owls. These incredible creatures ate all the mice that crept into the feed and hay and they killed all the snakes around. Who doesn't love owls!

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