Doing exercises that keep your core strong is critical. A strong core helps you perform better in sports, have better posture, decrease lower back pain (one of my issues), and will help trim your waistline. But the truth is...abs are born in the kitchen.  

If you’re not fueling your body correctly all the training in the world won’t help show the abs. I feel sorry for some people I see at the gym week after week doing exercise after exercise focused on the abs with no results. They end up having a really strong core (which is good) with belly fat. Here’s the honest truth - cut the crap out – this means you need to limit sugary soda and sweets or completely eliminate them. I know a guy who had excess belly fat and lost nearly ALL of it after he stopped drinking soda.

Want to learn more? Go to Max Muscle in Richland and schedule some time with a certified nutrition specialist. You’ll learn what to eat, how much to eat and how often.  Plus, they can help you with a list of exercise routines that will maximize your time in the gym. Max Muscle also has a variety of supplements that will help you reach your that goal faster!  Max Muscle 3023 Duportail street in Richland or

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