Driving home yesterday, I saw this sign up in front of a church I was passing. I had to stop and snap a photo.It caught my eye because I was named Faith at birth. (And because I like the messages I often see on signs like this!)

I have heard on more than one occasion that I don't have enough Faith in MYSELF! Sometimes, I think that is true.

In case you don't know, I truly am afraid of so many things! I just do everything in-spite of my fear! I'm not sure if that is me being 'brave' or me punishing myself for being afraid!

But, when I saw this and reflected upon my life,. I have to say, I think I have lived up to this saying! So, I think I've lived up to my name!

I like this saying! And,  I think it's a true statement. So it's a good reminder for me , next time I'm afraid! I want to reflect this statement! "Faith is a passionate commitment to ACTION!" Yes, this may be one of very few moments that I feel proud of myself! lol

Thanks for letting me ramble on about this. It may only make sense to ME. But I hope you get what I mean. Many of you know me so well! Hahaa...I'm kinda silly huh!!



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