Accusations fly so easily these days, it's sometimes hard to know what to believe. Some believe the accusations are true, others think it's a ploy for attention. Kennewick resident Darlene "Dar-Dar" Dillman posted on social media about an encounter she and her 14 year old daughter had with KORD morning show hosts Greg DeLange and Steve Woods (Greg & Woody). According to reports, Dar-Dar and Lil' Dar were at the Fair in 2013, waiting in line for a turkey leg and some Piggly fries. "That's when they spotted me", she said, "Greg & Woody saw my KORD temporary tattoo and made a bee-line for us. I told them that wasn't a temporary tattoo it's the real deal, so they gave us t-shirts and tickets to see Clay Walker at the fair that night! Lil' Dar wanted her KORD shirt signed. That's when Greg & Woody whipped it out. A new Sharpie. They obliged and were perfect gentleman!"

Greg & Woody adamantly deny these accusations. "We meet a lot of listeners", Greg said, "People say crazy things when we're walking around with free tickets." Woody added, "We're about as far as you can get from 'perfect gentlemen.' We will fight this to the end."

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