Communist China announced today it was ending its one-child policy. Families in cities will now be allowed two children. This will probably make the average Chinese household a lot noisier. May we offer a few suggestions?

  • FnordTapes

    Buy yourself a nice pair of headphones

    Even the best parents need to zone their children out sometimes. If two kids want to fight with each other it's hard to prevent it. Sometimes the best thing to do is put on some headphones, crank up your tunes and do dishes.

  • Andrew Kirk
    Andrew Kirk

    Introduce your older child to Spongebob

    "Sponge Bob Square Pants" has saved the sanity of many parents.

  • Baby Einstein
    Baby Einstein

    Introduce the younger one to Baby Einstein

    "Baby Einstein" isn't really that educational for kids. They've done studies and kids who watch it don't learn to talk or walk any faster, but KIDS LOVE IT! If the two kids are driving you nuts put the younger one in front of "Baby Einstein" videos.

  • Jupiterimages, Brand X Pictures
    Jupiterimages, Brand X Pictures

    Decide NOW your policy toward video games

    Kids love video games TOO much. Two kids will either a) fight over video games all the time or b) play with each other and will forget to eat and sleep. While they're young decide how much gaming they can play and what games. Personally, we don't do video games in our house.

  • RobertHoetink

    Learn to give "time outs"

    When your kids fight, make sure one can go to a time out away from the other one. If you have a small living space this can be tricky so decide early how you'll solve this.

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